What’s the most common symbol that you see when you go to church? It’s the cross right? I have been hearing and reading questions regarding this matter and have decided to write something about it. I would like to make an appeal to everyone regarding this matter to have an ‘Open Mind’ so that each and every opinion of ours be heard and let there be unity in diversity for each of us. We are united in our faith towards Jesus Christ; let us all be disciples in each of our own way. Please leave a comment or any reaction regarding this matter with respect and your values. Here, I would like to emphasize on the question: Why do Catholics still have Jesus hanging on the cross?
So I was surfing the net and came across a post by blizzard saying they need more man-power. Are you the one whom they've been searching for? By the way they're the one's who's responsible for the existence of those addicting games we've been playing like Diablo, Starcraft, Warcraft, World of Warcraft, and many more. This was posted on the World of Warcraft category, here's the post: